SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY, INC. Customer Technical Support FAX Network +1 408 438-8137 Customer Technical Support Bulletin Boards (300-9600, 8-N-1) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ United States +1 408 438-8771 ³ United Kingdom +44 628 478011 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Germany +49 89 140-9331 ³ Singapore +65 227-2217 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (C)opyright 1991 ST-3600A AT Interface PCB with 2x3 style jumper block J6 on right side near rear. ^^^ J5 Drive ID Select and ³ ³ J6 (located on side Configuration Select Header³ ³ near rear) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ o o o1 ³ +5v ---o o o 40-pin I/O Cable Connector ³ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ o o o o o1 1 2 3 J1³::::::::::ù::::::::1³ /ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\ o o o o o Remote LEDÃÙ ³ À´Reserved ÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏͳ 0 0 0 0 ³ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ConnectionÙ ÀÄÄ´Jumper (pin 20 missing for ÀÄ5ÄGÄGÄ12Ù (see below)Ä¿ ÀPosition keying purposes) DC Power ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ÚÄJ5ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ 1 ³ ³ ³o³ o-C´oÃE´oÃG-o ³ ³ ³oÃB-o ³o³ ³o³ o ³ ³ ÀAÙ ÀDÙ ÀFÙ H ³ ³ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ³ ÀÄÄDefaults shown in solid linesÄÄÙ J5 Jumper Funtion Description (* indicates default) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A B (A=vertical, pins 9 & 10; B=horizontal, pins 8 & 10) OFF OFF Drive is the slave (Drive 1). OFF ON Drive is the master (Drive 0) with slave (Drive 1) present. ON* OFF Drive is the master (Drive 0). C (C=horizontal, pins 5 & 7) ON Slave (Drive 1) Present is connected to J1 pin 39. Jumpers "D" or "E" cannot be installed if jumper "C" is installed. OFF Slave Present is not connected to J1 pin 39. D (D=vertical, pins 5 & 6) ON* DASP- is connected to J1 pin 39. Jumpers "C", "D", "F", or "G" cannot be installed if jumper "E" is installed. OFF REFSIG is not connected to J1 pin 39. E (E=horizontal, pins 3 & 5) ON REFSIG is connected to J1 pin 39. Jumpers "C", "D", "F", or "G" cannot be installed if jumper "E" is installed. OFF REFSIG is not connected to J1 pin 39. F (F=vertical, pins 3 & 4) ON* No external reference for REFSIG. Jumpers "E", "G", or "H" cannot be installed if jumper "F" is installed. OFF This location provides a port for external connection of the synchronized spindle reference signal (pin 3) and ground (pin 4). G (G=horizontal, pins 1 & 3) ON REFSIG is connected to J1 pin 28. Jumpers "E" or "F" cannot be installed if jumper "G" is installed. OFF REFSIG is not connected to J1 pin 28. H (H=vertical, pins 1 & 2) ON Drive implements "CSEL" (Cable Select line in I/O connector) feature. Implementation not defined yet. Jumpers A and B not used if jumper H is on. (This jumper is mutually exclusive with jumper "G"). OFF* Drive select is based on use of jumper A or B. J6 Jumper Funtion Description (2x3 jumper block) ------------------------------------------------- 1 Remote LED cable connection. Pin 6 is connected to +5v through a 147 ohm resistor. Pin 5 is the LED driver. 2 Reserved jumper position. 3 Reserved jumper position. ======================================================================= ST-3600A Rear View PCB with 2x2 style jumper block J6 on right side near rear. ^^^ ÚÄ 40 pin AT Interface I/O connector Mini Power ³ Connector ³ side ÚÄÁÄ¿ ³ (TOP) DC power J6 1 G 5 ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ /Ä5ÄGÄGÄ12\ o o (front) Í͵0 0 0Æ͵::::::::::ú::::::::1Æ͵ 0 0 0 0 ÆÍ ÍÍ o o ÍÍÍ........ 12 ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͳÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀRÄ Spindle sync (BOTTOM) À(pin 20 missing for ³ disable keying purposes) ÀÄÄLÄ Remote LED cable connection J5 (back of drive) (A) 1 o-o ÄÄÄ Single= (A) ON & (B) OFF, Slave= (A) OFF & (B) OFF (B) 3 o-o ÄÄÄ Master with Slave = (A) OFF & (B) ON Ú(C) o-o ÄÄÄÄÄÄ DASP- in on pin 39 ÚÄÄÅ(D) o-o ÄÄÄ J5 pins 7 & 8 ÄÄ No spindle synch reference detail³ À(E) o-o ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cable select on pin 28 below ³ (F) o-o ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cable select option enabled ³ (G) o-o ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Option #1 enabled ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ (C) o-o¿ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ DASP- in on pin 39 ³ ³ (H) H ÄÄÄ J5 pins 6 & 8 ÄÄ SPSYNC on I/O J1 pin 39 ³ ³ (D) o-oØ ÄÄÄ J5 pins 7 & 8 ÄÄ No spindle synch reference ³ ³ (J) J ÄÄÄ J5 pins 8 & 10 ÄÄ SPSYNC on I/O J1 pin 28 ³ ³ (E) o-oÙ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cable select on pin 28 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ J5 Jumper Funtion Description (* indicates default) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A B OFF OFF Drive is the slave (Drive 1). OFF ON Drive is the master (Drive 0) with slave (Drive 1) present. ON* OFF Drive is the master (Drive 0). C ON* DASP- is brought into drive through I/O pin 39 OFF DASP- is not used and is not connected to drive. I/O cable pin 39 may be used for spindle synch if jumper H is installed. D ON* No spindle synch reference is used. See also J6 position R, which duplicates the function of this jumper. Either J5 D or J6 R may be jumpered to signify no synch spindle reference is used. OFF Spindle synch reference signal cable may be plugged onto this jumper, J6 R or spinle synch ref may be taken from I/O cable pin 28 (if jumper J installed) or pin 39 (if jumper H installed). E ON I/O connector J1 pin 28 is used for Cable Select function. Jumper F must also be installed to implement cable select. OFF J1 pin 28 not used for Cable Select function. F ON Cable select option enabled. Jumper E must also be installed to enable cable select. OFF Cable select option not enabled. G ON Optional feature #1 enabled OFF Optional feature #1 not enabled H ON Spindle synch reference signal is on I/O connector J1 pin 39. OFF Spindle synch reference signal is not on J1 pin 39. J ON Spindle synch reference signal is on I/O connector J1 pin 28. OFF Spindle synch reference signal is not on J1 pin 28. J6 Jumper Funtion Description (2x2 jumper block) ------------------------------------------------- L Remote LED cable connection (Not a jumper position). Do not install a jumper if remote LED cable is not plugged here. R ON No spindle synch reference is used. See also J5 posistion D, which duplicates the function of this jumper position. Either J5D or J6 R may be used to signify no spindle synch reference is used. OFF Spindle sync reference signal cable may be plugged into this jumper position, J5 D or the spindle synch reference may be taken from I/O cable pin 28 (if jumper J installed) or pin 39 (if jumper H installed). ST-3600A UNFORMATTED CAPACITY (MB) ________________617 FORMATTED CAPACITY (xx SECTORS) (MB) _____528 ACTUATOR TYPE ____________________________VOICE COIL TRACKS ___________________________________13,104 CYLINDERS __PHYSICAL______________________1,872 (user) HEADS ______PHYSICAL______________________7 DISCS (3.5 in) ___________________________4 MEDIA TYPE _______________________________THIN FILM RECORDING METHOD _________________________ZBR RLL (1,7) TRANSFER RATE INTERNAL (mbits/sec)________19.6 to 36.0 DMA SUPPORT ______________________________EISA Type B SPINDLE SPEED (RPM) ______________________4,535 AVERAGE LATENCY (mSEC) ___________________6.61 BUFFER ___________________________________256 KByte SeaCache Adaptive cache INTERFACE ________________________________AT BUS SECTORS PER DRIVE ________________________ TPI (TRACKS PER INCH) ____________________2150 AVERAGE ACCESS (ms) (read/write)__________10.5/11.2 SINGLE TRACK SEEK (ms) ___________________2 MAX FULL SEEK (ms) _______________________23 MTBF (power-on hours) ____________________200,000 POWER REQUIREMENTS: +12V START-UP (amps) _1.5 +12V TYPICAL (amps) __0.4 +5V TYPICAL (amps) ___0.2 TYPICAL (watts) ______5 WRITE PRECOMP (cyl) ______________________N/A REDUCED WRITE CURRENT (cyl) ______________N/A LANDING ZONE (cyl) _______________________AUTO PARK IBM AT DRIVE TYPE ________________________* Physical: Height (inches/mm): 1.00/25.4 Width (inches/mm): 4.00/101.6 Depth (inches/mm): 5.75/146.1 Weight (lbs/kg): 1.8/0.80 * MAY REQUIRE FORMATTING AND PARTITIONING SOFTWARE. ALSO, CHECK TO SEE IF YOUR CMOS SETUP HAS A "CUSTOM" OR "USER DEFINABLE" DRIVE TYPE AVAILABLE. (see below) Possible translation: 1024 cyl, 16 heads, 63 sectors = 528,482,304 Note: A "custom" or "user-definded" CMOS drivetype may ask for a numerical value for the Write Precompensation cylinder and for the Landing Zone cylinder. A basic rule-of-thumb for drive models that do not require the old Write Precomp technique or a Landing Zone because they are Auto-Parking is to add 1 to the cylinder value being used. As an example: If cylinders equaled 820, then both Write Precomp and Landing Zone would be entered as 821. Some BIOS will convert this to 65535 or -1, which are functionally equivalent to "none (not used)". PHYSICAL/LOGICAL equivalent to NATIVE/TRANSLATION Already low-level formatted at the factory. Since a User-definable or Custom translation geometry may be used, it is imperative that the values be written down and kept with your permanent records for retrieval in the event of CMOS battery failure. Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. (01/21/93)